The Vision Statement of Uttrakhand Janmanch
very outset we make it clear that Uttrakhand Janmanch is non party political
organization. We are of the firm belief that Uttrakhand is not only a hill
state but has been created exclusively to cater to the needs of of the hill
community. To ensure the unique cultural
and ethnic identity of hill community of Uttrakhand. It is imperative that they
must not only have exclusive access to
natural and economic resources but also pre
dominance in the socio-economic and political sphere of life.
a statement Uttrakhand Janmanch's Secretary General Rajen Todariya told that
there is nothing unusual about the same as the states have been created/
reorganized under the constitution of India, acknowledging the regional the
regional aspirations and preservation of ethnic identity. We consider the creation of the state of
Uttrakhand is not only maintaining distinct identity of the Uttrakhandis but
also fulfills political aspirations within the framework of constitution of India.
One of the motivating factor leading to the creation of state of Uttrakhand was
to uplift the under developed socio economic and education level of the hill community
and bring it at par with the developed societies of India. All these
aspirations could only be met if hill community dominated the both public and
private sector. Unfortunately the things have not turned out, the way they
should have because the lack of governance and political will. As the things stand
today, People of hill origin account for just 30 percent of the total
employment available in the public sector. Their share in the government work /
project is less than 15 percent as rest is accounted for by multinationals and
big companies from the outside. The discriminatory policies of the respective
government to the people of hill origin have resulted their share just 5
percent in the industrial set up in Uttrakhand. The share of people of hill
origin in the wholesale trade does not exist, while in retail it is just 10
percent and so.
matter of concern, there is no serious thinking in this regard in the part of
respective government. The insensitivity on the part of political set up to the
core issues have created the situations, it is no better than what existed and
led to social strike in the state of Assam in the eighties of last century. The
data as available from the current census that being carried out indicate that
there has been an addition of 5 to 9 lakhs of outsiders to the population of
the state in the last 10 years. Which is 43 percent of total population
increased in last decade .Which is very alarming trend and if not addressed as
top priority issue it will hamper the socioeconomic fabric of the state. We may
have another Assam like situation is the offing. The demographic character of
the state in next 10 years would be completely different from the one we had on
the eve of the creation of the state. The situation, post delimitation exercise
is an eye opener. The number of seat available in the hill areas have been cut
down by six and added to plain areas. As per data available roughly 70,000 non
Uttrakhandis are being added to the population of Uttrakhand or one may say
that every three year a district of Rudraprayag is added to the state. Secretary
General of Uttrakhand Janmanch described it
the result of the myopic and anti hill attitude of then Home Minister Mr
L.K.Adwani,who decided to include Haridwar district in the state of Uttrakhand.
Despite the fact the people of Haridwar district were opposed to it, the same
is largely contributed in creating demographic imbalance. In the backdrop of
the above the Uttrakhand Janmanch strongly feels that there is a need of of a
mass movement against the illegal and unregulated infiltration by outsiders. We
also reached to the conclusion that district of Haridwar must be separated from
Uttrakhand in the interest of country as well as Uttrakhand. We are of the
opinion that Haridwar is neither has cultural and ethnic similarity with the
people of hills and nor It is natural part of Uttrakhand.
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